It's easy to make the most of spring despite the changeable weather!

Here are the 10 commandments for spring Fudoon :

- Thanks to its ultra-compact integrated pouch, you can take your Fudoon with you wherever you go.

- Under the threat of a giboulée🌧️, you will put on your Fudini or Fudoon hood.

- With your favorite mid-season jacket, gold, you will match✨

- In the daytime, you'll discover your cleavage in the sun, but...

- ... during the first aperitifs on the terrace🥂, without Fudoon, cold you'll get!

- At the first cool of the evening, your Fudoon will be drawn.

- Protect your head and hair in fickle weather!

- If you're going away for the weekend, don't forget your suitcase at Fudoon .

- In the train, on your Fudoon folded comfortably you will sleep💤

- Thanks to your Fudoon, your friends, 😎you'll be taunting

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